Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.

After Registering with us you can now begin your on-line shopping using the provided US Address details. You will receive a notification email stating that we would have received your package. Once the package arrives at our Nassau warehouse you will receive an email stating that packages are ready for pick up

Our registration process is free. Just simply click the register button at the top right hand corner of our website.

Yes. As long as the package is still at our US warehouse. We will hold the package until the vendor returns for it.

Our storage fees are applied two weeks after your goods would have arrived to our Nassau location.

No. Consolidation requests are done via email prior to the arrival of your first package to our US location

Yes. Deliveries are made once we can verify proof of payment for packages. Delivery fee is a charge of $10 flat rate for personal packages. Business clients delivery fee may vary depending the value of shipment.

Our office hours are 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday. We are closed on major US Holidays. We advise customers to have packages delivered by 1pm on the day before scheduled flights.

Yes. We offer in store online purchasing to clients at a service fee of $20.

Let us take care of your shipping project.

Terms and Conditions

Copyright © 2023 Futuristic Freight Express Services - All Rights Reserved. This End User License Agreement is a legal agreement between you (in your capacity as an individual and/or as an agent for your company, institution, or other entity) and Futuristic Freight Express Services. By using our service, you agree to the following policies, terms, and conditions. We reserve the right to amend our rates, policies, terms, and conditions at any time.